Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Good Week for Birthdays!

On Monday, June 25th was my brother, Greg's birthday! Here's a look at some of his childhood pictures.

I love this one because it shows my mom in one of her many different hairstyles/colors! She was such a hip mother! (In addition to one of the most self-sacrificing people I know!)

This is so great of Greg with Grandma and Grandpa Bagley. I love how he's trying to grab the cake! I have come to realize in the recent years that I believe Grandpa Bagley passed off a lot of his looks to my mom, Greg and my son, Kyle.

I adore how in love my Dad looks with Greg!

I could not resist this one because Kyle makes this same face. Cute boys and their "looks" - oh no! (I tell you, he is Greg's "mini me.")

Here is a beautiful picture of Greg with my firstborn, Audrey! He has always been so good with children. I love to watch him with my kids and all of his nieces and nephews!

And Greg with the two loves of his life! How blessed he is to have such a wonderful wife and a gorgeous baby boy! And how blessed they are to have such a loving husband and father!

Greg, this picture of us on your wedding day is so telling. I don't know what I'd do in life without you. You have always been there for me. You've always been so caring of me. You are one of the most sensitive people I know. AND you are one of the most handsome and one of the funniest people on this earth! What a great combination! Happy Late Birthday, I love ya tons!!

And the great birthday week continues! On Sunday is my cousin, Christa's b-day! Christa has always been like a sister to me! She is one of the sweetest, most compassionate girls in this world. Her name is perfect for her. She has always been a peacemaker and extremely Christ-like! I love ya, cutie! Happy Birthday!!

And also on Sunday is my best friend, Betsy's birthday! MY BETSY, what would my life had been without you! You are one of my true soul mates! I have never met anyone who has so much in common with me. Our personalities and the way we think, our talents and interests, our mannerisms - they are all almost the same. Even though we've taken different paths (you an actress and director of film, me a mommy) we have one of the most special bonds I have ever known of. I love you my fellow Drew Barrymore look alike! Happy Birthday!!
Oh and BTW, the wonderful week of b-days will officially end on Monday - My 28th Birthday! :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Annette. You will have to add some more pics of you as a baby and some from HS to your blog in honor of yourself. I hope you have a fantastic birthday!

A.Pandina said...

Happy #28! Enjoy yourself and each a lot of cake! I hope you accept it better than I accepted mine.

Becca said...

Happy birthday!!! Your brother is still a cuttie!!!

Rochelle Oleson said...

Happy Birthday!

janeen said...

wow, kyle does look just like yor brother. Happy birthday to everyone especially Annette!

Unknown said...

Oh, my Nettie! You are still so beautiful. I have to scan in photos of us in our ridiculous dance costumes from A Touch of Dance, or whatever that place was called so everyone can see how well you made it through the awkward phase of life. Thank you so much for my birthday tribute, and I love you! Thank God you were born!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are amazing! I recently had all my baby "slides" made into a digital cd. Happy Birthday Everyone!