Beautiful scenery on the way!

Kaden is always so cute to take a peak back at!

Everyone was so glad to get there to WARM weather!


I got to meet up with my Rick's college roommate at a local DINOSAUR MUSEUM! Here's a picture of all our kids together. (She happened to be visiting from CO the same time we were!)


Brigham Young's House.

Kaden was a little tired.

Kyle took this picture of me!

Kaden had to give in to his fatigue.

Pioneer names at Snow Canyon.

It was a wonderful trip!
Long time coming, but glad to see the updates. Love, MOM
Fun! Kenny and I are headed to Southern UT for a week next month. Yea for warm weather! Too bad we have to kebabs home to find it...
That previous comment makes no sense! Stupid auto spell check. I don't even remember what I wanted to say...how about....too bad we have to leave home to find it.
Better! :)
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