Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hansen's Halloween

I have to give a shout out to my friend in the ward, Tammy Billman again this year! Last year she taught me how to make some really cute pumpkin stands and this year - a scarecrow. And I can't believe this but I really made and painted that all by myself!!!

It was very fun for my Woody and cow!

After storytime Kyle always plays on the computer while I read to Kaden and find the books and or c.d.s we'll be checking out that week.

When we got home that day I had to get some shots of them in the leaf pile. Way to go Kaden, you got your older brother good in this picture!
Oh and I've got to add that I love the store here in town "Once Upon A Child!" It's a used children's clothes, toys, books and baby gear store. I always start there and get whatever I can before I go retail. I got these costumes there for $4.50 each!
I got to help with Kyle's preschool party on Halloween morning. Audrey didn't have school so she got to come with Kaden and I and she was so excited to see Ms. Krista again. (She was Audrey's preschool teacher too.)
Audrey got to read the ingredients for Ms. Krista to make her traditional "witches brew" that turns her into a frog every year! You know, the usual stuff skeleton boogers (marshmallows), bat's blood (fruit punch), stuff like that!
And here we are - Halloween night - we have one Hermione, one Pirate (the outfit was a Jack Sparrow costume but Kyle doesn't know who that is yet so he said he was Captain Hook) and one Spider!
O.k. so here's two awesome things, number 1 - I got the Pirate and Spider outfit at Once Upon A Child for $4.50 each also!!! The only costume I had to buy retail was Audrey's. Number 2 - my kids are getting a lot better at getting their pictures taken (not all the time, but sometimes) and they're all even posing at the same time in this one.
This was the perfect costume for Audrey - she's been so into reading,watching and playing Harry Potter and I have to add, she looks and acts a bit like the character!
Kyle was going to wear the Woody costume for Halloween and then changed his mind to this one the day before. I thought it looked great. Of course he has to pose by the owl like his big sis. He wants to do everything she does!
It was so cute. We have this Wee Sing for Halloween c.d. and it has a song that goes "crawl, crawl, crawl little spider, Halloween is here. And every time Kaden would put his costume on before and on Halloween he called it his "crawl, crawl, crawl little spider."
This is at the Woodruff 2nd Ward Trunk or Treat. Audrey is here with Natalie and Emily, 2 of a group of 7 girls in the ward that are best buddies. She misses seeing them at school! Luckily she's made some great new friends at school but these girls will always have a special place in her heart.
This is Sam, Natalie's brother. Audrey and him were in Kindergarten together last year and went up to the 1st grade together until Audrey was moved to 2nd grade reading. Audrey writes about him in her journal. Although she has at least two boys at her new school that have told her they love her, she has not moved on and still only has eyes for Sam.
Speaking of Natalie and Sam, here's Kaden with Kera (Sam and Natalie's sister)and their mom, Courtney who is one of my best friends from the ward! Kyle, Kaden and Kera are best buddies and love play dates together!
This is Kaden with my friend Jenny's son, Tyler. They are two of the 16+ adorable little children I get to teach in Nursery every Sunday (I got called a couple months ago and am having a BLAST!)
And here is my other best friend from the ward with her precious doll Grace. Grace is one of those cutie pies I get to care for every Sunday in Nursery and between that and the babysitting trade Kim and I have so we can work in the schools, she has taken a real liking to me. When she sees me she'll demand to be picked up and she'll actually snuggle me for awhile. She is "Baby Grace" to Kaden and he actually pretends to be her a least once a day!
Well Audrey was throwing up soon after the Trunk or Treat - she was only able to Trick or Treat to 3 houses, so she spent the rest of the night vomiting downstairs. The boys didn't want to Trick or Treat anymore, they wanted to hand out the candy and and had a blast doing it!
Although the 2 year old couldn't resist having a treat himself while looking at and touching all that good stuff to be handed out!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
In Loving Memory of Kiersten Marie Gemar 7/15/95-10/15/08

Kiersten Marie Gemar, our beautiful, sweet daughter and sister, passed away on October 16, 2008 of natural causes in her sleep.

This is Kiersten holding Audrey when she was a newborn.
The viewing, family prayer and funeral on Monday were some the saddest hours of my life. But, I know there is a purpose for everything and I'm sure this beautiful girl's spirit was ready to do other things in Heaven. We will miss her dearly. I will continue to pray for her immediate family for there grief and will appreciate life and what blessings - especially people - we have on this earth even more than before.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Audrey starts second grade

Well my little reader was busy with books this summer. She read over 100 books and got a lot of awards through the public library's summer reading program. At the beginning of the summer her favorite books were Junie B. Jones. Then, she moved to Babysitter's Club - Kid Sister books and read almost all in the series. Now she's starting the Harry Potter series and loves it. It was cool for her to get to put her name up on the board in the children's department of the library.

As of today, my babydoll is a second grader! (She is skipping first grade.) This is before back to school night. She wore that dress the first day of Kindergarten a year ago and it's amazing to compare the pictures. She's grown so much and looks so different!

Since she is reading Harry Potter, playing magic is something the kids are doing more of at home - hence the broom for this shot!

This is what her new school looks like. (Since we have a house currently getting built in the zone for this school, we are starting her here instead of having to transfer her during the year.)

It's an older school and very unique. It's rather big so it has a separate cafeteria and gym, and also has things like a science lab, a big computer lab and even an auditorium!

She got to "sleep in" compared to last year. I didn't have to wake her up until 7am - and that was allowing extra time to get ready (school starts at 8:45am and she catches the bus at 8:10am.) Last year at the other school she went to, school started at 7:55am so she was getting up closer to 6am to catch the bus at 6:40am!

I love to have her in my signature "tiny ponytails going up her head" hairdo that I made up many years ago. (No she doesn't have to put her head upside down for that!)

So grown up - where DID the time go?!

That backpack was love at first sight for her.
And the end of the day means reading in bed - she started the first Harry Potter book last week and is only a couple chapters away from finishing!
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pike's Place Market had so many beautiful flowers that smelled just as amazing as they looked!

The place where they throw the fish was so fun to see.

After that we split a plate of sushi (although we had to get it to go and ate it while waiting for the underground tour to begin.) It was the first time for Jessica and me.

This was very interesting.

I learned a lot.

I had no idea Seattle used to be several feet underneath where it is today!

Who would've thought!

Under downtown Seattle....

On the streets of downtown Seattle - right above the last picture!

The Space Needle.

Kim and I on the top of the Space Needle.

Gorgeous view from the Space Needle.

And another one!

One more!!

We rode the monorail back to the hotel.

This is the view from our hotel room.

And this was what the hotel room door looked like. (Ally found a great deal online - it was really cheap but nice - the only thing is it was a little to "artsy" for us mormon girls. We were glad our husbands or kids weren't there to see the "artwork")

Outside the hotel on the way to the Stephenie Meyer "Breaking Dawn" concert!

Before we entered into the concert! From left: Jessica, me, Ally and Kim.

Stephenie answered questions - she was so cute and funny and adorably entertaining!

I had the best time!!!

This is us waiting before we got our book signed! Jessica's shirt she made said:

The scenic drive was breathtaking!!!

Can we say RAINFOREST?!

Lucky for us, it never rained while we were in Seattle on Tuesday or here on Wednesday!

The scenes were awe-inspiring!

The writing on the 2nd window to the left in this picture says Welcome Twilight Fans.

Inside they have a Bella Burger - see it on the menu?!

With your purchase - what else?! But of course - free vampire teeth!!

Every store in town has gifts based on the books. I took a picture of this lady who worked in the visitor's center because she had a "I Love Jacob" pin and she grabbed the bumper sticker "Werewolves love La Push" for the shot!

I couldn't get over all of these intensely-green ferns and moss-covered trees!

First Beach in La Push was so gorgeous!

I couldn't have imagined how unbelievable it would look in person!

We wanted a shot of us with the beautiful scenery behind us but the guy who took our pictures zoomed in! We should've known he was looking at something besides the water when he said "Oh yeah, this will be great for the boys at home."

Have you ever been to the Cheesecake Factory! I hadn't until Kim and I stopped in Boise on the way home. Hello! The Godiva Chocolate Cheescake there is out of this world!