I have to give a shout out to my friend in the ward, Tammy Billman again this year! Last year she taught me how to make some really cute pumpkin stands and this year - a scarecrow. And I can't believe this but I really made and painted that all by myself!!!

It was very fun for my Woody and cow!

After storytime Kyle always plays on the computer while I read to Kaden and find the books and or c.d.s we'll be checking out that week.

When we got home that day I had to get some shots of them in the leaf pile. Way to go Kaden, you got your older brother good in this picture!
Oh and I've got to add that I love the store here in town "Once Upon A Child!" It's a used children's clothes, toys, books and baby gear store. I always start there and get whatever I can before I go retail. I got these costumes there for $4.50 each!
I got to help with Kyle's preschool party on Halloween morning. Audrey didn't have school so she got to come with Kaden and I and she was so excited to see Ms. Krista again. (She was Audrey's preschool teacher too.)
Audrey got to read the ingredients for Ms. Krista to make her traditional "witches brew" that turns her into a frog every year! You know, the usual stuff skeleton boogers (marshmallows), bat's blood (fruit punch), stuff like that!
And here we are - Halloween night - we have one Hermione, one Pirate (the outfit was a Jack Sparrow costume but Kyle doesn't know who that is yet so he said he was Captain Hook) and one Spider!
O.k. so here's two awesome things, number 1 - I got the Pirate and Spider outfit at Once Upon A Child for $4.50 each also!!! The only costume I had to buy retail was Audrey's. Number 2 - my kids are getting a lot better at getting their pictures taken (not all the time, but sometimes) and they're all even posing at the same time in this one.
This was the perfect costume for Audrey - she's been so into reading,watching and playing Harry Potter and I have to add, she looks and acts a bit like the character!
Kyle was going to wear the Woody costume for Halloween and then changed his mind to this one the day before. I thought it looked great. Of course he has to pose by the owl like his big sis. He wants to do everything she does!
It was so cute. We have this Wee Sing for Halloween c.d. and it has a song that goes "crawl, crawl, crawl little spider, Halloween is here. And every time Kaden would put his costume on before and on Halloween he called it his "crawl, crawl, crawl little spider."
This is at the Woodruff 2nd Ward Trunk or Treat. Audrey is here with Natalie and Emily, 2 of a group of 7 girls in the ward that are best buddies. She misses seeing them at school! Luckily she's made some great new friends at school but these girls will always have a special place in her heart.
This is Sam, Natalie's brother. Audrey and him were in Kindergarten together last year and went up to the 1st grade together until Audrey was moved to 2nd grade reading. Audrey writes about him in her journal. Although she has at least two boys at her new school that have told her they love her, she has not moved on and still only has eyes for Sam.
Speaking of Natalie and Sam, here's Kaden with Kera (Sam and Natalie's sister)and their mom, Courtney who is one of my best friends from the ward! Kyle, Kaden and Kera are best buddies and love play dates together!
This is Kaden with my friend Jenny's son, Tyler. They are two of the 16+ adorable little children I get to teach in Nursery every Sunday (I got called a couple months ago and am having a BLAST!)
And here is my other best friend from the ward with her precious doll Grace. Grace is one of those cutie pies I get to care for every Sunday in Nursery and between that and the babysitting trade Kim and I have so we can work in the schools, she has taken a real liking to me. When she sees me she'll demand to be picked up and she'll actually snuggle me for awhile. She is "Baby Grace" to Kaden and he actually pretends to be her a least once a day!
Well Audrey was throwing up soon after the Trunk or Treat - she was only able to Trick or Treat to 3 houses, so she spent the rest of the night vomiting downstairs. The boys didn't want to Trick or Treat anymore, they wanted to hand out the candy and and had a blast doing it!
Although the 2 year old couldn't resist having a treat himself while looking at and touching all that good stuff to be handed out!