Audrey is...
Reading at a high 2nd to low 3rd grade level.
Here's a video of her reading a first grade level book for the first time - she'd never seen it before!
Audrey Is...
A Scholar.
Kevin and I were able to meet with her Kindergarten teacher a little over a week ago for Parent Teacher Conference. I pretty much knew what was going to be said and what the test results were going to be, but it still gave me a lot of joy and some good old fashioned pride (the nice kind.) She went into Kindergarten having already mastered all the goals for the children to reach by the end of the year. Her behavior and all of those areas are great, too!
When they started testing her the first week they immediately put her (and only one other child - one of her best friends, Sam) into the first grade. Sam and Audrey only spend around 20-30 minutes in Kindergarten for some recess and group time. The other 2 hours are in the 1st grade. When I saw the goals for the 1st grade and how she's pretty much met all of those it didn't surprise me either. I'm not trying to be an annoying, bragging mom. Actually, it's stressful having a gifted child when you're going to be moving and the school she's in now is the only one in the area that will move her up to where she needs to be. I'm currently praying that where we're going to build a house will be zoned into the school she goes to now. Otherwise, I might have to waive her in - and drive her everyday next year!!!
Audrey is...
A natural teacher.
While I cook dinner Audrey likes to reinforce what I'm teaching Kyle right now - how to write letters. It's easier for him with this magnetic board. She writes the letter with the magnetic pen and then Kyle gets the square magnet and traces over it. She has the best ideas!
Audrey is...
An energetic, goofy little girl.
Even if she's one of the top students in the grade ahead of her and socially mature, she is a kid at heart. She works hard but she also plays hard just the same!
Audrey is...
Still very in love with Rudolph (The Red Nosed Reindeer!)
I bought this toy at the D.I. when she was around 2 - the Christmas she fell in love with him. He was around $1.00 and every December she's ecstatic to see her friend again!
Last year I bought her a new one that sings and has his nose light up and everything, but she gave it to Kyle. She likes this one the best!